Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kiss Me

We've started our new unit which concentrates on Pate' a Choux, also called Choux for short. It sound really exotic but if you've ever had an eclair than you've had choux. It's the chewy crunchy, brown dough that's hollow on the inside.

The dough is cooked 3 times, twice on a stove top and then finally in an oven. When in the oven, water inside the dough becomes steam, causing the dough to rise. The long gluten chains cause the dough to hold a shape and create a hollow middle.

The items we've been making in this unit are much more playful and involve more plating,but more on those dishes later. For now I just wanted to show you my swans.

Two swans, kissing, in a pool of chocolate.

This is the most romantic dessert possible!!!


Unknown said...

ohhh, that made me cry.

M. said...
