Yesterday I attended the demo of Master Chef Jacques Torres, The FCI's Dean of Pastry and Owner of Jacques Torres Chocolate in NYC (see link). Chef Jacques is by far one of my favorite people I've met in a long time and I completely admire him. He's a very accomplished business man, engineer, chef and teacher. He's cooked for a lot of famous people, worked at Le Cirque (see link) and now owns a chocolate shop. He has a great sense of humor and is very playful in his work.
He told us about the time he cooked for the Pope and while the Pope was away, and no one was looking he sat in the Pope thrown.
How cool is that!
Have you seen what the Pope's thrown looks like?
OK. Here's a picture. ------------------------------>
See what I mean. That's pretty cool.
Anyway, so at the demo, Chef Jacques initially explained some principles of how to be a successful restaurant pastry chef. " When you make a new dessert menu, make it the best one you ever wrote. The last menu you wrote must always be the one you ever wrote. " He said that every menu needs to have contrasting temperatures, textures, flavors and weight. Creamy, crunchy, hot, cold, light and fruity, heavy and deep.
For me, his ideas on creating dessert menus was especially interesting because I'm thinking that's what I want to do first when I'm out of school. There are a lot of different job opportunities for a pastry student and many of my fellow piers want to work in bakeries, cake shops, at catering companies or open their own shop. Initially I thought I would be interested in cakes. However, after finally having the opportunity to work in a restaurant I think, at least while I'm young and have the energy, the restaurant life will suit me well.
At the Demo, Chef made a birds nest out of slivers of filo dough, resting on a creme brulee, topped with powder sugar covered egg almond slices. It was very cute and playful.This was just my tasting portion but you could add multiple layer of filo which could sandwich chocolate or bananas or chocolate and bananas. Yum! The cool thing is, I know how to make every component of this recipe so I could make it at home.
But just in case you wanted something a little easier... here is a video from Chef Jacques which I think most everyone could handle.
How to make chocolate covered corn flakes
I'd love to know if anyone does indeed try to make the chocolate corn flakes how it goes. (Honey I'm expecting you to try this, if you haven't already)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Master Chef Jacques Torres
Posted by
Jacques Torres,
8:58 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Choux makes me sad
I'm feeling very lazy today so instead of explaining about what I've I'm been doing, I'm gonna keep the typing to the minimum and hope the pictures explain enough.
We made Eclairs a couple days ago and I will have to make them tomorrow for my test. I feel...
Yah my Eclair were under baked meaning they fell flat (literally) and will never resided in some one's stomach. Instead they made it into the garbage. The ones picture below clearly aren't mine.
The French love their bike races. This is a pastry that's suppose to look like a tire wheel and is called a Paris-Brest. I know bear with me here. It's a stretch.
You know the box to put those in.
Posted by
8:05 PM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
On a completely unrelated note, I just wanted to share a few random pictures of my apartment and neighborhood. So friends and family can have a better idea of exactly where it is I'm living.
The neighborhood is mostly 3 and 4 story apartment buildings. On every corner there is a bodega. The McDonald's by my house has a walk-up window instead of a drive through, and there are tons of street cart food vendors.
Posted by
New York City,
12:04 PM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Kiss Me
We've started our new unit which concentrates on Pate' a Choux, also called Choux for short. It sound really exotic but if you've ever had an eclair than you've had choux. It's the chewy crunchy, brown dough that's hollow on the inside.
The dough is cooked 3 times, twice on a stove top and then finally in an oven. When in the oven, water inside the dough becomes steam, causing the dough to rise. The long gluten chains cause the dough to hold a shape and create a hollow middle.
The items we've been making in this unit are much more playful and involve more plating,but more on those dishes later. For now I just wanted to show you my swans. Two swans, kissing, in a pool of chocolate.
This is the most romantic dessert possible!!!
Posted by
Pate A Choux
10:29 PM
Friday, July 17, 2009
Slight Sake Intoxication.
There's something to be said for a school that serves its students alcohol. Most universities are "dry campuses" or have an alcohol policy (however strictly enforced) but clearly drinking during class is never permitted. However, culinary schools don't follow these same EtOH guidelines. Obviously alcohol education is a really big component of a good culinary education, but I'm not sure getting buzzed off sake at 4 pm is part of the normal curriculum. haha
So here's what happened. I went to a chef demo on Sake food pairings. It's a common misconception that Sake is only appropriate with sushi, but that's completely wrong. In fact, Sake isn't the best thing to eat with sushi. Rather Sake can be paired with more 'traditional' foods.
I love sake and this demo only made me appreciate it more. The brewing process is really unique because rice lacks natural sugars unlike wine grapes do, so a mold, Koji-kin, is used to convert starch into sugar. That sugar can then be turned into alcohol. The type of rice and type of mold are what traditionally control the various flavors of sake.
We tasted 5 different types of sake with a mini meal; raw tuna tar tar, raw oysters on the half shell, green beans and chocolate curry cake with creme chantilly. My favorite sake that we tried was a sweeter, more coconut flavored sake called Nigori Genshu. It was a hazy white color because it has small partials of the rice still in it. I tasted some premium sake including Daiginjo (pictured right).
The sake was from one of the only American Brewers, Sake One in Oregon. They make an organic sake, which I also tasted. Pretty good stuff.
The process of brewing sake is rooted deeply in tradition, the basic premise is that the best sake in the world is that which taste like water. Personally I'd never drop a ton of cash on a bottle of sake that has no flavor! But that's how it's been done for hundreds of years in Japan.
I don't wanna bore you with more details, but I will say everyone needs to go home and make this summer drink:
White Saki Sangria
- Honey Dew Melon (1/2" cubed)
- Strawberries (sliced)
- Blue Berries (whole)
- Raspberries (whole)
- Fresh Pinnacle ( 1" wedges)
- Kiwi Wedges
- 1 part white rum
- 3 parts sake
Mix fruit and rum in a jar. Cover. Let sit for 1-3 hours in a fridge so fruit can absorb the rum flavor. Add sake, LOTS of ice and maybe a mint to garnish. ENJOY!
Posted by
Favorite Food,
8:38 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Test of Tarts
Yesterday I had my first culinary test. It was everything tests in college were not... fun, exciting, scary, crazy and rewarding. The tests are divided into two sections: written and practical.
The written part is about 40 minutes and goes by way, way, way to fast. I had studied, knew all the material and still almost ran out of time. I was scribbling like a mad person up to the last second. There was multiple choice, matching, T/F, conversion problems and essay questions. I know for sure I got one conversion wrong because I didn't know how many fluid oz. are in a cup, and I got another question wrong- wasn't sure what creme patisserie mixed with creme Chantilly makes. But aside from those two I feel I got everything right.
The practical is two and half hours, but it feel like it's 30 minutes long! It's open book, open note. Ever receipt is fair game and you draw out of a mixing bowl to see you're doing. Every student must present Chef with one large 8" tart, 2 tartlettes and 5 cookies. However if you're smart and fast, it's better to make extra and then only present Chef with the best.
The first and most important thing is to have well organized station initially. This is my drawer full of tools. I have a TON of tools (and these aren't even all of them). I totally love my tools. I think during robotics I was told "With the right tool you can do anything" and that's exactly how I feel about my tools. They each have a very specific use and I'm trying to keep very good care of them. In case you're wondering, the purple and silver tape on all my tools is an identifying mark in case they get mixed up with someone else's tools.
Anyway back to the test. I was really happy with the 3 items I choose;
- 8" Tarte aux Pommes (traditional apple tart). It was the first thing recipe made in class.
- 2 Clafouti tartlettes. (a baked custard tart) Usually made with cherries but any berry can be substituted.
- 5 Spritzkakor (spritz cookies) A piped cookie with a chocolate, jam or nut topping.
Here's how I did:
Spritz cookies (pictured left)- almost perfectly. The one mistake I made was in the piping of the cookies. I didn't tuck the end of the piping tail into the center of the cookie, I tucked it toward the bottom. Not a big mistake but one I will never make again. I only lost a point for that mistake : )
Apple Tart (picture above)- my weakest product. I made several mistakes, they are kinda technical so I'm just gonna briefly describe them. First I sliced my apples and didn't keep the apple as a unit. I allowed the apple pieces to fall apart. This mistake did not affect my final product but just made it hard and slower to assemble.
The second mistake I made was I forgot to file down my tart crust, silly me. I remember when I did my tartlettes but forgot for my apple tart. Oh well... mistakes were made.
The largest mist
Raspberry Clafouti (pictured left)- Awesome. Basically kick ass. Chef could only think of one suggestion, make the sides of the crust slightly thinner. But she said "the custard is perfect". I was sooooo happy!
I have another test in ten days so I should probs go study : ) yah right.
Posted by
Practical (test)
9:21 AM
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sharon's Tour
So my friend Sharon was in NYC with her family and spent 24 hours with me. She was at my mercy and I forced her to go all over NYC with me.
Walked around Central Park. There is a wonderful garden on the north east corner of the park, right by my house. Had a nice little picnic there.
Posted by
12:29 PM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The End Of Tarts
Today was the last day on our tart unit. I'm having my first exam in two days and I'm crazy nervous, but in a good way. The kinda nervous that forces me to study my butt off and get super organized. So right after I'm done with this blog I'm gonna go organize a bagillion flash cards... a typical fun filled Saturday night for me : )
So here are a few more things I've done in class since my last posting.
I've also made a yummy Quiche Loraine with real bacon, not something that came out of a package, but honest to goodness smoked bacon that came in huge strips as big as your forearm!
We made Tartelettes Tatin Facon Rapide, aka apple tartlettes with carmel turned upside down. It is assembled with carmel on the bottom layer, then raw apples slices and pastry dough on top, bake it and when it comes out of the oven, while it's still hot, flip the little bugger upside down to plate it. Sound good right? Carmels and apples you're thinking... yummy. Chef was excited for this, she described it as a simple but classic dish. But I was completely unimpressed. It's the first tart we've done where I've been disappointed. The taste was just blah and it looked like a hot little mess. It's cool in theory, the flipping of a carmel tart, instead of applying a carmel glaze, but it needs some work.
And Finally for the big finish... my Linzer Torte. A wonderful raspberry compote tarte. The raspberry compote is very labor intensive and the lattice needs to be treated with tender love and care. It's the perfect raspberry tart in my opinion.
I was so completely looking to taking this home and getting a slice. To bad the side walk ate it first.
Posted by
10:38 PM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Time Flies When You're Having Fun (or when your just really busy).
Hey there, so quick little anecdote - a couple days ago I was trying to hurry around town. I ran out of my apartment, down 117th street, into the subway, had my metro card in hand, went to swipe into the turn style and my metro card didn't work. Meaning.... my card had expired and I've been here for over a MONTH! Had it not been for the fact I had to buy new metro card, I probably would have completely forgotten. Many times I still feel like I'm completely lost and have just moved here. For now I am taking it one day at a time and the days are whizzing past! Jealous right? hahah jk
So I haven't written in a couple days but that's mostly because I've been CRAZY CRAZY BUSY!!!! Seriously, busy! my schedule is work for 6 or 7 hours, have a 2 hour break (during which I study), go to school for 7 hours, come home, try to sleep for 5 hours. Wake up and repeat. Today is actually the beginning of a short break for me : ) I have 2 days off from work... HOLLAH! Which gives me just enough time to study for my first exam on Monday.. Yikes
Sorry I feel like this blog is really scattered but I have a lot of random crap to tell about. But this is it for now... I passed my servsafe exam! Servsafe is a national exam for food handlers. I think most every manager has to be Servsafe certified and most chefs do to. It was a pretty easy, mostly about how to properly store, handle, process, heat, reheat, and cool food, how to cross contamination and how to clean a kitchen.
In perparation for the test we watched a lot of video's on food safetly, some really lame but a few pretty gross. Here is one to share... enjoy : )
Posted by
10:04 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Crazy for Thai
I love pad thai... that's the most important thing you need to know.
- Vegetable with tofu
- Extra peanuts
- Medium plus spicy
I stumbled upon this restaurant by complete accident. I had intended to return some books to the library but the library was closed and didn't have a drop box. That failed. I was gonna try to study at a park near NYU but couldn't keep my mind focused. That failed. So I just started to wander around the area aimlessly. I walked by this restaurant and the ONLY reason I even gave it a second look was because it had something very very few restaurants in NYC have.... outdoor seating.
It's really very disappointing... all I want to do most of the time is get a good light meal outdoors, it's not that hard. But it just doesn't happen here for whatever reason. So anyway I see it, think "finally someone from michigan decided to open a restaurant with outdoor seating" and go look at the menu. I was happy to realize that yummm it's thai food and wow their pad thai is only $11 and because I was there before 7pm I get an extra 30% of my entire meal. No way was I gonna pass this by.
So I sat outside and had the most wonderful, simple pad thai.
It's amazing... the peanuts and spices were on the side and so were the sprouts! This has to make it so much easier on the patrons and chef. There is no guessing about how spicy, spicy is, just do it yourself. The presentation was beautiful, food delicious, portion was just right, waiter was really friendly and the price was excellent, including tip under $12. It was one of the best meals I've had in a while.
Posted by
Favorite Food,
pad thai
7:29 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Nothing But Taste Buds and Me
Ok so it's official, if it wasn't official before I'm making it completely official now: my life revolves completely around food. I'm either at work (being paid to work with food), at school (paying to work with food) or at home figuring out how I can get more involved in the NYC food culture.
To do the math
Work + Food = $$
- $$$$ + School = food
$ + Food = (0 * social life) + building a career
Ok so granted today I did have time play the guitar for about an hour and go for a run in central park, but basically it's food all the time!
Also: You can note the changes to my link bar... I've included a few new food blogs, which I need to start reading religiously, along with the new york times food section. I'm half way through The Soul of a Chef by Michael Ruhlman and my reading list has exploded since I now have access to the FCI's wonderful library. It's the only library I know of where you check out material and return it just whenever you're done. There is no due date, no late fees. Total honors system.
I have Friday off for the holiday but in my normal fashion... here is what I accomplished yesterday in class.
Not the most beautiful tart to be sure. I'm not crazy about the deep brown color of the tart. Also, my powdered sugar design, while appropriately simple, wasn't executed properly. The sugar dusting was the very last thing I did in class and Chef was on our asses to get out of the kitchen before 11pm. But despite the sad exterior it tastes really great! I took it to work and it was devoured by my co-workers.
The cake is made from French meringue folded into what amounts to almond cake mix (almond flour, hazelnut flour, sugar, salt). This strange brown cake mix is put atop the tart crust, jam and toasted almonds. The whole thing is then baked. The air bubbles in the meringue expand from the heat of the oven which causes the cake to rise almost double it's original size. The cake is much lighter in density then it may appear.
Lemon Tartles
Also I love to practice my piping skills! Pipping might be one of my favorite activities to do/learn to improve on. I can't wait to start doing cakes!!!! It's all piping all the time : )
Posted by
10:11 PM