Sunday, June 14, 2009

hola, yo no hablo español

Yesterday (saturday) was my first day here that I haven't been really busy/had some really important things to do such as painting my kitchen or scrubbing my floors. Typically when I'm given even a moment to relax I take it, there isn't always a ton going on in Royal Oak but not here! On my day off I went to the Puerto Rico Festival.

The Puerto Rico Festival is basically the equivalent of a Pride Festival but for Puerto Ricans, (ridiculous costumes, booty dancing, wonderful food, live music, tons of cops keeping the peace, a big parade and lots & lots of pride).
(corner of 117th and 2nd Ave)

For the geographically inclined, I live on 117th between 1st and 2nd ave, and the festival ran from 114th- 125th along 2nd ave. So the party was literally on my door step. In fact here is the old man who was chillin on my corner. He had an entire switch board and randomly "honked" his bike-vehicle like a chicken or a cow. He scared a lot of passers by with his barn yard sounds and was clearly enjoying himself immensely!

The food was awesome! (oh did I mention I like food/like trying new food) Unfortunately though I was alone and speak ZERO Spanish. I know how to count to ten and say 'hello' and 'my name is clare'. But that's it! All around me were signs and people with loud speakers all in Spanish. I felt like I had been transported to a different country. This was the menu at the food stands....

I'm gonna guess that Mofongo is some sort of Mango drink and maybe Relleno de Papa roughly translates to "Dad's favorite dish" but like I said earlier, I'm not a linguistic expert.

However, what I did manage to find was a very helpful and english speaking cook who showed me his incredible meat cooker! There is a wood fire below this thing and then huge slabs of meat are thrown onto this tee-pee like structure to cook. It's kinda gross to see so much raw meat but I got to taste a small sample and it was wonderful, really tender with a great smoky flavor. However I didn't feel up to eating an entire cow leg so instead I enjoyed a grilled plantain and some sort of fried meat pocket, which was all very yummy.

In short it was a very successful Puerto Rico Festival and next weekend I'm going to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade!!!


Anonymous said...

ahem. just so you know, Relleno de Papa means "potato stuffed." who the hell knows what mofongo means....?

M. said...

Dude! Mofongo is like mashed plantains. And it's spiced yummy. Traditionally is mashed in this wooden churn looking thing. I haven't actually had it, but I saw it on FN's "Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives" at some good ol' home-cookin' type Puerto Rican place.

CHeeren said...

hahah well shucks why didn't I have the two of you along to translate for my sorry ass. Did I mention that I did at least have a grilled plantain which was incredible. And when I go to the grocery store they sell plantains exactly like bananas. People are crazy for them here.. and yes i'm one of the crazies.